Supply of Medical Equipment and Medications

PetroMed will be able to provide all kind of necessary Medication and Equipment locally and internationally. The necessary Medication and Equipment which is requested by Senior Medic in remote site will be bought by PetroMed after it has an approval MR. PetroMed will buy them and raise an Invoice to Senior Medic and Procurement.

You can refer to this website

Controlled Medication

PetroMed will be responsible for bringing the Controlled Medication to remote site and will be responsible for destructing them PetroMed will bring all necessary Controlled Medication to remote site, PetroMed will buy it and an Invoice will be raised to the company who requested it. All the Expired Controlled Drug will be destructed in Erbil City, with a witness and keeping a record of it.

SP Services (UK) Ltd

PetroMed is now stocking many first aid and emergency medical products from world-leading experts SP Services (UK) Ltd. Their range includes basic and advanced trauma kits and emergency medical supplies for the oil and gas industry, defibrillators (AED), burn kits, disaster kits, vehicle first aid kits, rescue stretchers, ambulance bags, CPR training manikins, personal trauma kits for security and close protection teams. Please speak to us about any medical equipment requirements you may have and we will work together to come up with a good solution for your organisation.